In two minutes


short bursts on things I thunk.

A six peg mop head?

Dear Sirs,

For you only could be.

No woman would be mean enough to make mopping the house such a filthy dark hour in our weeks.

I mean really boys? How hard can it be!?

At least I have something to mop the bitter tears of anger each time I forgetfully purchase your product.

Just not with the mop refill on the head as I shall explain presently.

My list of issues is thus:

1. Is it two pegs or four pegs!!!!???

FFS figure it out.

Does the manufacturer in China actually have the specs or did you fax a napkin with a pen sketch through after a boozy lunch on Southgate?

It’s only a matter of time before some smiling exec in a $399 Suit Warehouse jobbie suggests you follow the lead of the disposable razor makers and up the peg count to 6 or 8.

“More is better” he’ll say.

That’s what his Friday-best polo shirt says.

Heaven help us then.

2. Whaddya mean “avoid bleach”?

Are other people using spit and elbow grease?

Grand Designs is on in 65 minutes and twitter DEMANDS I join in [hashtag nongs hashtag architecture hashtag woahugly]

My cat insists I use home brand lemon bleach to cover the slight mange in his coat. He has pussy to impress.

3.  Changing the mop head configuration every 6 months.

Make up your minds.

Or have you figured out the refill pack lasts 5 months so we need to buy a new mop every time.



etc etc


This picture has no relation to the content above. I wanted to flip the bird and Kristen was on page one of an image search. But how hot is she anyway. Bet she never mops. Male fans lick her floor clean for her. Yep. that's gotta be the case.

This picture has no relation to the content above. I wanted to flip the bird and Kristen was on page one of an image search. But how hot is she anyway. Bet she never mops. Male fans lick her floor clean for her. Yep. that’s gotta be the case.

Filed under: Uncategorized

“Marry The Crowd”



Or “epouser la foule” as Charles Baudelaire said.

A useful reminder that as a Planner you must take the good with the bad when speaking for the crowd.

As reflected on by Andrew Sullivan and Will Glovinsky following the Boston bombings and the search for suspects.

My thoughts can be found here from 42:43.

Filed under: Culture, Journalism, Media, Teh Internetz

Joe Masseria on Account Planning

Having some spare time this week I’ve been able to think a little more on what we do for brands beyond the mainstays of agency output.

Whether or not we can truly say we contribute value or impact on culture in a meaningful way.

As an industry we can be fabulously vain about our role in culture.

We talk “ecosystems of value”, “fan engagement” and we “put people first”.

We ‘Write The Future’, tell consumers to ‘Think Different’ and now ask daily ‘how does product x complete your life?’

But while the brands we work with mostly occupy a very temporary place in the cultural landscape (hey, we had to pay for it mostly right?) the people who care deeply about culture, about music or food or streetwear live it 24/7.

For many people it is their life.

There’s a pretty telling POV on this subject in this short piece on music and ‘banded content’. Watch from 8:49 if you don’t have the full ten minutes.

A friend of mine recently said she had watched 119 TV series last year. 119!

That’s dedication and fandom.

She’s most definitely built her universe and it’s a wonderful place so far as I can tell.

As an example of how far people will go to curate their passion and define their own world take a quick look at this meticulous post on The Cure by Chris Ott (the man behind the video series above).

I was lost in it for about three hours.

It was not just a love letter to the band over several pages but videos, photos, crafted playlists, links to other reference points that mattered, critical points of view etc etc.

It was fascination street.

What this tells me is that any brand looking to have a meaningful exchange with a specific culture or community has a lot of homework to do and can’t afford to be anything but committed. That’s the price of entry.

You may have watched Boardwalk Empire as I have.

I think Joe Masseria might have been a great Account Planner. He understands the importance of respect.

[check the classic Account Man at 0:11]

Joe understood that the locals set the running.

That you can’t drive in from out of town with some muscle and be accepted.

Looking back a couple of years to Cannes 2011 there were two presentations that are (arguably) opposite sides of the same coin.

Both recognised at the time that brands had left the building and were co-owned by the people that buy or speak of them.

Coca-Cola famously put it’s long-term strategy on the line with it’s Content 2020 presentation.

It speaks of “[spreadable] .. dynamic story-telling’ – how they need to move to “Ideas so compelling they take on a life force of their own”.


Heady stuff.

Two years on I’m not sure how close Coke are to realising this vision.

Leo Burnett however, in a much more dour display of thinking, made this point:

People that choose to be part of a culture or community create much more, and with much more care, than those that are paid to be there.

To me that suggests an excellent understanding of the relationship between people, brand and content creation.

It’s something we can all bear in mind when asked for a creative response on a tight budget in line with the grand ambitions of the brand.

Are we all really committed to the people we are trying to reach?

Do we all really know what time it is?

Filed under: Advertising, Branded Content, Culture, Planning

Best Friends for Rachel Antonoff clothing

For all the brouhaha about ‘content marketing’ you rarely see it done well.

Here it is – done well.

Filed under: Branded Content, Culture

Are Social Networks Neglecting Young Users?

snapchat guy

Forever Alone Snapchat Guy

It’s becoming clear that established social networks are losing traffic for real-time one-to-one communication, especially in younger demographics.

Services like WhatsApp, Kik and Snapchat have recognised that instant communication has been neglected and are building large user bases rapidly to accomodate.

While young people (<20) do still use Facebook in huge numbers they actually spend more time on Tumblr and could well prefer Instagram and SnapChat for sharing photos.

In fact Snapchat now carries almost a third of the daily photo volume of Facebook.

social network usage Jan, 2013

Social Network Usage, Jan 2013 (Via:

I’d suggest there’s a few reasons for this shift.

Yes, Facebook has matured rapidly and in the process has lost a bit of cachet with young users. It’s worth reading Branch founder Josh Miller’s recent interview with his 15 y.o. sister if you have doubts about this.

Anywhere Mum can reach out to you and call you home for dinner has gotta start to suck pretty hard.

Besides teens just wanna be with each other as much as possible – that’s pretty obvious.

Twitter and Facebook are also incredibly noisy. There’s a huge signal to noise difference if you have a large network on either. Aside from work I’ve spent as little time on Facebook as possible this year.

Sure I could segment friends, family and colleagues into groups and take a Diaspora approach to it but I just can’t be bothered.

Which leads to my point. Many social networks are actually inefficient for how young people want to communicate.

Screenshot from WhatsApp

What’s App Gemma?

Studies have found that we allocate around 20% of our waking day to social interaction. That is our social ‘budget’.

It follows that the more people we wish to maintain relationships with the better we must be at using that budget of time.

In fact – perhaps unsurprisingly – the emotional intensity of a relationship can be defined by the frequency of communication between two people. In this scenario the time to last contact  reflects the time and effort invested in that relationship.

So frequent one-to-one communication becomes vital for those close relationships.

Broadly speaking young people and old(er – haha) people view interpersonal communication differently.

Young people view time as expansive and energetically pursue knowledge-related goals within their network. This includes in depth conversations one-to-one that allow for learning, expression and personal growth.

Communication helps to define who they are.

Older people view time as limited and pursue emotion-related goals with reoccurring (and reassuring) themes among familiar groups of people.

Often it’s enough to know who’s been on holidays, who had their first child and what gig that guy you went to Uni with went to this week. All’s well with the world.

That is where broadcast social media services like Facebook or Twitter excel for older users but perform poorly for younger users.

They are efficient for reaching a large audience within our network but not for conveying complex and detailed information.

To have richer exchanges we have to reduce reach and increase frequency of communication within the network.

It may be that over the next few years we increasingly use social networks to maintain our maxi-network, to follow news and key life announcements but skip out and use other service to maintain our close relationships with the 5-15 people we have stronger emotional ties to.

Younger users already appear to do this and probably use Facebook in very different ways (event invites, messaging etc).

I suspect they have shorter session times also.

A move away by young users would be a big blow to the large social networks. They rely heavily on traffic for relevance to advertisers and investors. They need all of our time online.

But really, I have little interest in how larger social networks might address this behaviour, rather I like the idea that we invest less of our time in one or two platforms and spread it across multiple services that perform the best at one function.

This encourages innovation, flexibility and allows for the complexity of interpersonal relationships.

Filed under: Culture, Social Media, Teh Internetz

Guy solves three Rubik’s Cubes while juggling them.

Filed under: Culture

‘Toungueduino’ project from MIT

In much the same ways cat whiskers give spatial information, the Tongueduino is a project testing whether the same approach would work for the blind.

Great idea. Hopefully a small, practical unit can be developed.

Filed under: Technology, , ,


<p><a href=”″>seagulls</a&gt; from <a href=””>Mato Atom</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

Filed under: Culture

Super Mario Sex Pistols

(via neatorama)

Filed under: Culture

I like to ‘discuss’. Maybe I need a drumkit??

Filed under: Teh Internetz

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